Sign-up for our loyalty program, earn points based on dollars spent with Green State Dispensary and redeem points for discounts. For every $1 you spend, you will earn 1 point. This accrual includes orders made online and in-store!
Signing up is easy! You can do this by placing an online order and providing your mobile phone number or by signing up on our website/ through our signup form here. If you think you are already signed up you can check your account here.
You can access your wallet anytime by clicking on the link sent via text after every order or by logging in here. In your wallet, you can access exclusive discounts, view your points-based rewards, follow us on Instagram and Leafly, review us and refer friends.
When you select a discount, you will be presented with a page that you need to show our budtenders when picking up your order or checking out in-store. They will redeem/ sync your discounts to your order. All discounts can only be redeemed in store.
*All discounts are subject to change. Points from a purchase expire after 365 days.