It’s official: our A_Dog Trop Drop gummies are sold out, and we have you to thank for that!

We were beyond stoked to partner with the Friends for A_Dog Foundation to bring to life this collaborative tribute to Andy A_Dog” Williams. Andy was a larger-than-life figure in the Burlington skate and music scenes, and we wanted to help his namesake foundation by giving back 10% of the gummy’s sales to help them promote their work supporting bone marrow donor ship and providing music, skateboarding, and arts programs for the Burlington area’s underserved youth.
We were ecstatic to see the hugely positive response to this gummy. We couldn’t have spread the spirit of Andy nearly as far without all of you, so thank you! On December 15, we were able to deliver a check to the Friends for A_Dog Foundation to help further all their good work.
While it was our first collaborative product offering, the A_Dog Trop Drop Gummies are just the beginning. Keep an eye out for new collaborations in 2024 with current partners — and some brand new faces — and watch for the return of the A_Dog gummy this summer!